The Broken Wharfe Podcast
Confessional - Baptist - Christianity
34 episodes
EP 33: Means of Grace: Understanding Baptism and the Lord's Supper - Ft. Ryan Davidson
In this episode, John-Mark and Pastor Ryan Davidson delve into the topics of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, exploring how these ordinances serve as means of grace. Ryan, who teaches at International Reformed Baptist Seminary, discusses the theo...

EP 32: Means of Grace: The Word of God - Ft. Ryan Davidson
In this episode, J. Ryan Davidson joins John-Mark to consider how the preaching of the Word of God is a means of grace. Scripture texts such as Rom 10:14-17 and 1 Pet 1:22 are considered, with application to how we might best prepare our hearts...

EP 31: The Means of Grace: God's Great Work - Ft. Ryan Davidson
In this episode, J. Ryan Davidson gives a short overview of the confessional and reformed doctrine of the means of grace. Scripture texts such as Acts 20:32 are considered, alongside historic formulations of the doctrine from the Second London ...

A Baptismal Controversy - "Hot Water" by Austin Walker
Tune into this special episode of the Broken Wharfe Podcast to learn about a baptismal controversy in the 1690s, involving a Church Planter, an Anglican Rector and a Baptist Pastor. An exclusive excerpt from the recently published audiobook rec...

EP 30: Irresistible Grace and Perseverance of the Saints - Ft. Jeffrey T. Riddle
Join John Mark and Jonny in the 30th episode of the Broken Wharf podcast as they delve deep into the doctrines of Irresistible Grace and Perseverance of the Saints. Featuring special guest Dr. Riddle, they discuss key theological concepts from ...

EP 29: Covenants, Sin, Limited Atonement & Dr Who - Ft. Jeffrey T. Riddle
Join John Mark and Jonny as they welcome guest Jeff Riddle to continue their deep dive into the Doctrines of Grace. In this episode, they recap their previous discussions on total depravity and unconditional election, and move on to discuss the...

EP 28: What is Total Depravity? Ft. Jeffrey T. Riddle
NEW EPISODE: Welcome to the Broken Wharfe Podcast. Today, John Mark and Jonny are joined by Dr. Jeff Riddle, pastor of Christ Reformed Baptist Church and lecturer at International Reformed Baptist Seminary. In this episode, they delve into the ...

EP 27: An Often Forgotten Aspect of the Gospel, Ft. Pat Abendroth
In this episode, the guys discuss an often forgotten element of the Gospel - the active obedience of Christ, with Patrick Abendroth, Pastor of Omaha Bible Church, Nebraska. They discuss what active obedience is, why the Bible teaches it, why it...

EP 26: Pastoral Counselling & the Means of Grace, Ft. Ryan Davidson
In this episode, John-Mark sits down with Ryan Davidson, a Pastor and Professor in Pastoral Theology from the State of Virginia, to discuss the subject of the body and soul, the task of pastoral counselling, and the reformed doctrine of the mea...

EP 25: "Before the Foundation of the World" Ft. Jeffrey T. Riddle
EP 25: "Before the Foundation of the World" Ft. Jeffrey T. RiddleIn this episode, Jonny and John-Mark speak with Jeff Riddle about the doctrines of grace, what it means to be a "Reformed" Christian, whether the acronym TULIP is reflecti...

What Can We Learn From Puritan Preaching? Ft. James Renihan
In this episode John-Mark and Darrin sit down with James Renihan to discuss lessons that we learn from the preaching of the Puritans. What were their strengths? What were their weaknesses? How did they incorporate doctrine into their sermons? D...

'Necessarily Contained', Reading the Bible like Jesus, and Neil Armstrong...
In this episode Jonny and John-Mark discuss why it is appropriate to draw logical deductions from texts of Scripture which contain more ideas than one within them. They argue that Jesus read the Bible like this and that the language of 'Necessa...

Thinking Some More About Knowing God, Anything and Everything - With Consideration of 2 Cor 4:18
In this episode the guys delve further into the questions of knowledge, reality, being, and how all these things relate to creation, providence, special revelation, and God himself. They also discuss why the Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) a...

Thinking About Knowing God, Anything and Everything - With Some Help From Aquinas
This episode is the first of two on the question of how we can know things, and in particular, how we can know God. For this episode, Aquinas is a special help in guiding us through how can know God through the two books he has given us - the B...

"No Creed But Christ" Does Not Work... and Much More - a segment from the Coffee House Ft. Jason Montgomery
Today's episode is a little different as we present to you an interesting section on Creeds and Confessions from our Coffee House Sessions. The Coffee House Sessions are our longer and more relaxed form podcasts and can be found

Words, Difficult Words, and Using Words to Interpret 'The Word' Ft. Richard Barcellos and Oliver Allmand-Smith
In this episode we discuss words and how they relate to the written Word of God. How can we interpret the Word and how do words from outside the Word better help us understand the meaning of the Word? How can Pastors use technical terminology t...

The Clarity of Scripture and the Means of Grace Ft. Jeff Riddle
In this episode the guys get together with Jeff Riddle, Pastor of Christ Reformed Baptist Church in Virginia, to discuss the perspicuity (clarity) of scripture. They discuss how we are to properly understand this doctrine from a confessional pe...

Discussing our new Book with Jim Renihan & Some Questions About Socinianism
In this episode we discuss our new book: Vindiciae Veritatis, with Dr Jim Renihan. He answers some questions concerning Socinianism, Thomas Collier's heresies and Nehemiah Coxe's crucial role in their refutation throughout this book. Tune in to...
Episode 17

News Time! RBAP Merges with Broken Wharfe, New Titles, New Podcasts, E-Books, US Shop and More...
In this latest episode, we share some exciting news. We talk about our work with Richard Barcellos and acquisition of RBAP, upcoming book titles, some new podcasting efforts, and our recently released US shop.Grab a cup of coffee, sit ba...

What is Philosophy and What Principles Does it Give us for Theology?
In this episode, Jonny and John-Mark introduce the discipline of philosophy. They answer several questions such as:What is philosophy? Is it a help or hindrance to good theology? What principles does it g...

The 'Word' in John 1, Christ, Augustine and Some Implications
In this episode, the guys open their bibles to John 1 and delve a little into what it means to call Christ the Word (Logos). This includes discussion about: Christology The Mediation of Christ His Of...

Answering Questions about Creeds, Confessions and Christology Ft. Kevin Bidwell, Tony Flanders and Brett Shaw
Welcome to 2023 at Broken Wharfe! We're excited to bring loads of new content this year and can't wait to bring it to you guys.In this episode we're recording at a youth conference and answering some questions about Creeds, Confessions ...

What If My Preacher Is Boring? Ft. Eddie Roberts
In this episode, the guys follow on from their previous discussion about preaching as God's primary means of grace. They ask, 'if the preaching of the Word of God is really such a special and unique event, what are we to make of boring preachin...

What Does Jesus Have To Do With Preaching? Ft. Eddie Roberts
In this episode, Eddie Roberts (pastor of Stanley Park Church in Liverpool) joins the guys to discuss one theme explored in Broken Wharfe's newest title - 'Preaching as the Primary Means of Grace'. They explore the relationship between Christ a...
Episode 11

Story Time with Doc Renihan - A Confessional Adventure!
Grab your cuppa and put on your slippers......It's Story Time!Theological confusion abounds amid social and political upheaval in 17th-Century Britain. Persecution, the rise and fall of kings, a maverick minister's shenanigans and long ...
Episode 10