The Broken Wharfe Podcast
Confessional - Baptist - Christianity
Podcasting since 2022 • 34 episodes
The Broken Wharfe Podcast
Latest Episodes
EP 33: Means of Grace: Understanding Baptism and the Lord's Supper - Ft. Ryan Davidson
In this episode, John-Mark and Pastor Ryan Davidson delve into the topics of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, exploring how these ordinances serve as means of grace. Ryan, who teaches at International Reformed Baptist Seminary, discusses the theo...

EP 32: Means of Grace: The Word of God - Ft. Ryan Davidson
In this episode, J. Ryan Davidson joins John-Mark to consider how the preaching of the Word of God is a means of grace. Scripture texts such as Rom 10:14-17 and 1 Pet 1:22 are considered, with application to how we might best prepare our hearts...

EP 31: The Means of Grace: God's Great Work - Ft. Ryan Davidson
In this episode, J. Ryan Davidson gives a short overview of the confessional and reformed doctrine of the means of grace. Scripture texts such as Acts 20:32 are considered, alongside historic formulations of the doctrine from the Second London ...

A Baptismal Controversy - "Hot Water" by Austin Walker
Tune into this special episode of the Broken Wharfe Podcast to learn about a baptismal controversy in the 1690s, involving a Church Planter, an Anglican Rector and a Baptist Pastor. An exclusive excerpt from the recently published audiobook rec...

EP 30: Irresistible Grace and Perseverance of the Saints - Ft. Jeffrey T. Riddle
Join John Mark and Jonny in the 30th episode of the Broken Wharf podcast as they delve deep into the doctrines of Irresistible Grace and Perseverance of the Saints. Featuring special guest Dr. Riddle, they discuss key theological concepts from ...