The Broken Wharfe Podcast
Confessional - Baptist - Christianity
The Broken Wharfe Podcast
Does Having a Confession of Faith Make You a Narrow Church? Ft. Oliver Allmand-Smith
Does having a confession of faith make a church narrow in theology, critical of other churches and hunkered down in their own bunker, unwilling to work with others?
John Mark and Jonny talk with Oliver Allmand-Smith about the true spirit of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith, those who wrote it and how the Confession promotes a generous and warm orthodoxy challenging churches to pray for each other and partner for the gospel.
Resources for Further Study:
- Recovering Our Confessional Heritage Bundle : Masterfully brings together biblical, systematic and historical theology in bitesize form
- By Common Confession : Contributors Include: Donald R. Linblad, Joel R. Beeke, James E. Dolezal, J. V. Fesko, W. Robert Godfrey, Michael T. Renihan, Micah & Sam Renihan, Samuel E. Renihan
- Faith & Life for Baptists : This book aids the reader to grasp the historical context of Confessional Baptists
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