The Broken Wharfe Podcast

Knowing God, Confessional Systematic Theology & Biblical Theology

Broken Wharfe Episode 2

John-Mark and Jonny chat about why we have the topics that we do in the 2nd London Confession and systematic theology. They discuss where they come from, how they relate to the bible and how systematics relates to biblical theology.

The 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith summarises the teachings of the bible. It covers how we know God, God himself, the situation of humanity, the plan of redemption through covenants and the sending of the Christ. It also covers how life under the gospel should be organised in the church and family. It seamlessly ranges through systematics, covenantal theology, biblical theology and ethical theology as it presents the doctrines of scripture.

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Book links

Nehemiah Coxe and John Owen, Covenant theology: From Adam to Christ
Samual Renihan, The Mystery of Christ:, His Covenant and His Kingdom.

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